Thursday, January 18, 2024

Don't Stop The Pendulum

This week we are revisiting "The Pendulum Never Stops" topic.  In business, now more than ever, you must keep the pendulum swinging forward!   Yes, there are many challenges and difficult events happening in the world, however, you must figure out how you are going to persevere while ensuring your team and clients are taken care of properly.

Choose To Keep Moving Forward

In business and in life, you are either moving forward and growing or you are moving backwards and not growing.  If the pendulum happens to stop moving, then it is over.  The pendulum must always be moving and preferably moving forward.  Being mediocre and complacent is not an option.

What are you doing to keep the pendulum swinging forward?

Measure Success

What do you measure and define as successful growth?  Is it number of employees, gross revenues or personal milestones?  Whatever metric you use, it needs to keep moving in the same direction as your definition of growth.

In the technology sector, we face "legacy" revenue and we face brand-new revenue virtually on a daily basis.  To survive and sustain growth year over year, we have to keep moving forward.  What this means is we are continuously learning new technologies and challenging our processes all the time to make them better.  We keep raising the bar to achieve excellence in everything we do.

Just Ask

Asking our clients where they want to take their business and adding new solutions keep all of us moving forward in the right direction contributes to our continued growth.  We invest in the latest tools, training and keep up with best practices.  We ask what our clients are doing proactively with such business strategies as cybersecurity, business continuity and digital marketing to name a few.   The AlphaKORian' pendulum keeps swinging in the right direction thanks to our great team, clientele and community supporting us.

What are you doing to keep the pendulum moving?

(Originally published on 03.11.20)

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