Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why are You so "Busy"?

Ever wonder why you are so "busy"?   For the Building Circles followers, you may know "busy" is banned from the AlphaKORian dictionary.   Filling the banned words cuss jar this week!

We all have a number of things to do and they all need to be done, yesterday, right away and there never seems to be enough time.   

So how do we respond to this?   Some people panic, some get frustrated, some talk about it to everyone they interact with while others stay focused, calm and prioritize.  Working on the calm part and admit it is easy to panic sometimes.

How do you handle your too "busy" time?

Do the first big task that you do no overly enjoy first.   Remember to Eat that Frog and the rest will be easier and will get taken care of according to your priority list.  One system used that works is First In, First Out.  This one is tougher than it sounds.  

One strategy is to add each new task to the bottom and take care of the oldest task you listed before moving onto the next task.  Continue to next task on your list.  

Many are guilty of Last In, First Out which results in most tasks not being completed.   This approach results in constant reactionary mode and the older tasks never get done.

Sometimes the right answer is to simply say no and it does not become part of your things to do.  You can also delegate some tasks or group some together to be more efficient with your time.   

Multi-tasking is not more efficient.   How many conversations have you heard the person multi-tasking ask "Sorry what was that again?"

We all have good and legitimate excuses for being too "busy" and one of the best answer is to Just Do It.

How "busy" are you today?

1 comment:

  1. Good article Frank. What might be a fun follow-up is "You know you are too busy when..." Have a great 'unbusy' day!

