Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Fear of Missing Out

Do you always have the feeling that you are missing out?  This is actually coined as FOMO - the fear of missing out.

As leaders we want to be part of everything, we always want to be involved and we want to be everywhere.   Realizing it is good to empower your Team to be part of all the good things instead of just you helps your team and your leadership grow.

This is also part of learning to say no.   How many invitations do you receive to attend an event?   To speak at an event?   To support a cause?   Most days the number of requests are overwhelming to say the least.

One of the challenges is most of them are all good stuff!   So what does a leader do?

Delegate.  Say No.  Tough parts are to let go, reduce the stress of worrying why you are missing out and focusing on the tasks at hand to move forward.

Do you suffer from FOMO?

1 comment:

  1. If you suffer from FOMO it might be an indicator that you don't like to lose control of a situation. If you have the staff support that are capable, willing, and able to deliver a convincing presentation on your behalf then take advantage of it. Strong leadership requires followers and the best way to keep followers enthusiastic is to empower them for success by giving them some of these opportunities.

