Wednesday, June 11, 2014

15 Things Successful People Do Monday Mornings

How many do you accomplish on Monday mornings?

1.  Wake up early and exercise - glad to report following the motto "early to bed, early to rise, exercise, exercise, exercise!"

2.  Eat a healthy breakfast - some days are better than others

3.  They arrive early - recently changed the routine and arrive early at home office before heading to the guym

4.  Clear desk area - make neat little piles organized in a priority fashion

5.  Carve out time for unexpected projects and tasks - this one is challenging and the "unexpected" some days take over the priority list

6.  Greet the Team - well when we arrive early, only a part of the Team is greeted.   Making more of an effort to greet the rest of the Team during the day

7.  Update To Do List and Goals - start with a fresh blank piece of paper and create the priority To Do List

8.  Visualize the week's successes - will add this from now on

9.  Screen e-mail for urgent requests - part of creating the To Do List routine

10.  Tackle the tough challenges first - "Eat that Frog first" and the rest are easier and more pleasant

11.  Human touch to e-mails - yes good to balance the hectic pace business moves

12.   Make an extra effort to smile - :-)

13.  Say no - tough one and getting better at this

14.  Stay focused - challenging some days

15.  Remember there is a Tuesday - yes thankfully

Look forward to hearing what you do on Monday mornings.

Inspired by

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Frank! all of the above for me, and yes #8 needs to happen from now on....the one missing I cannot leave out is to read Gods word (either one scripture verse or a whole chapter) before I get out and excersize, that way I can be open for reflection and prayer on my run, the bible says seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added. journal as soon as I get back what I hear Him say.

