Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Network with Confidence

Here are some tips on how to network with confidence.   How many of these have you tried?

1.  Arrive early

2.  Bring lots of business cards (caught only once    without a card and good story here, if interested just ask)

3.  Take a genuine interest in each person you meet and ask them to tell their story

4.  Set a goal to meet three new people

5.  Listen attentively (remember names!)

6.  Ask for the other person' business card

7.  Introduce the person you just met to someone else

Working on #5 - any tips you have on remembering names is always appreciated.   

#3 can be challenging especially when you notice others in the background who you may want to also have a good discussion with.  

What are your tips to network with confidence?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Fear of Missing Out

Do you always have the feeling that you are missing out?  This is actually coined as FOMO - the fear of missing out.

As leaders we want to be part of everything, we always want to be involved and we want to be everywhere.   Realizing it is good to empower your Team to be part of all the good things instead of just you helps your team and your leadership grow.

This is also part of learning to say no.   How many invitations do you receive to attend an event?   To speak at an event?   To support a cause?   Most days the number of requests are overwhelming to say the least.

One of the challenges is most of them are all good stuff!   So what does a leader do?

Delegate.  Say No.  Tough parts are to let go, reduce the stress of worrying why you are missing out and focusing on the tasks at hand to move forward.

Do you suffer from FOMO?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

15 Things Successful People Do Monday Mornings

How many do you accomplish on Monday mornings?

1.  Wake up early and exercise - glad to report following the motto "early to bed, early to rise, exercise, exercise, exercise!"

2.  Eat a healthy breakfast - some days are better than others

3.  They arrive early - recently changed the routine and arrive early at home office before heading to the guym

4.  Clear desk area - make neat little piles organized in a priority fashion

5.  Carve out time for unexpected projects and tasks - this one is challenging and the "unexpected" some days take over the priority list

6.  Greet the Team - well when we arrive early, only a part of the Team is greeted.   Making more of an effort to greet the rest of the Team during the day

7.  Update To Do List and Goals - start with a fresh blank piece of paper and create the priority To Do List

8.  Visualize the week's successes - will add this from now on

9.  Screen e-mail for urgent requests - part of creating the To Do List routine

10.  Tackle the tough challenges first - "Eat that Frog first" and the rest are easier and more pleasant

11.  Human touch to e-mails - yes good to balance the hectic pace business moves

12.   Make an extra effort to smile - :-)

13.  Say no - tough one and getting better at this

14.  Stay focused - challenging some days

15.  Remember there is a Tuesday - yes thankfully

Look forward to hearing what you do on Monday mornings.

Inspired by

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

9 Moments the Happiest People Have Everyday

What are your 9 happiest moments you have everyday?  This list reminds us to focus on the positive parts of each of our days.  Enjoy!

1.  A Moment of Laughter

2.  A Moment of Celebration

3.  A Moment of Reflection

4.  A Moment of Stillness

5.  A Moment of Pride

6.  A Moment of Humility

7.  A Moment of Connection

8.  A Moment of Joy 

9.  A Moment of Gratitude

Working on a few to make them habits each and everyday.   Already added #9 and even have the gratitude stone to be thankful.

This blog was inspired by this article:
