Thursday, January 9, 2014

Change of Plan

Sometimes things happen resulting in a change of plan in your daily priorities.  Waking up to a few inches of water in the basement certainly did that yesterday.

It was time to move to "disaster plan recovery" mode.  Tuned out everything upon waking up and focused on getting the new set of priorities done.   Did not realize how early some stores opened and thankfully had a WetVac set-up in our basement by 6:45 am!

Actually have to give credit to Carmela who took charge of the clean-up plan and together we had everything on high ground and dried within three hours.

This included driving the kids to their bus stop since it was so cold and the bus was very late so decided to drive them both to school.  Nice way for them to start the year as the last couple of days were snow days and both were "anxious" to get back to school.

Called a number of companies to assist and received good service and empathy.   I certainly could appreciate the volumes of requests they were receiving and understood how some just could not accommodate and others put us on a waiting list.

Thanks to our Insurance Agent for some great advice and helped us with our disaster recovery plan.   The very surprising and nice gesture was when she showed up at our place, unannounced, with coffees and croissants.   She stayed for a bit and shared some more good advice and empathy.   We were very grateful for this.

It's still a work in progress and will be working from home again.   Thanks to technology our offices today can be virtually anywhere!  

Thanks to so many who offered to assist.  Thanks to the great service companies we have in WindsorEssex County who take care of you or at least provide some alternatives if they cannot assist.

The only appointment not rescheduled and by choice was attending the Chamber Business Excellence Finalist announcements and proud to report AlphaKOR is a Mid-Size Company Finalist.

Sometimes a tough day turns out to be a great day.

Way to go AlphaKORians!

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