Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7 Things Highly Productive People Do

How many of these things are you doing?

1.  Work from Goals to Milestones to Tasks

2.  Single Task Oriented

3.  Eliminate Distractions

4.  Schedule e-mail

5.  Remember the Telephone?

6.  Work on your own Agenda

7.  Work in intervals of 60 or 90 Minutes

My two favourites are #2 and #5.

Most of us are guilty of multi-tasking and most of us will justify we can be more efficient and convince ourselves we are giving all tasks our undivided attention at all times.

So why do these same people ask "What was that?" or "Can you say that again?".   If we could focus on a single task at a time, the quality and time are both improved significantly.  Try it for yourself.

Oh yes the telephone.   Readers of Building Circles will recall re-introducing this technology to our team to help communicate more effectively.   Remember e-mails and texts have no emotions and are more difficult to understand the true meaning over phone call or better yet face-to-face communications.

What are you doing to keep yourself highly productive?

Inspired by:

1 comment:

  1. I work in 20-30 minute intervals, getting up to stretch, get blood flowing and reset my place.

