Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Breaking out of your Comfort Zone

This week we welcome Guest Blogger Mark Jason Aguilar, National Coach for Corporate Relations at AIESEC.

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone.  A very difficult thing to do, simply because it is not our “cup of tea”. 

A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend the WindsorEssex Circle networking event to represent AIESEC Windsor.   AIESEC Windsor is a local chapter at the University of Windsor and part of the world’s largest student run organization that facilitates international internships. 

AIESEC has an international platform of helping youth develop and explore their leadership potential. One of the ways of doing this is by networking with our local business community in marketing our Global Internship Program, where local companies can hire an international intern to work for them, thus helping our organization create global leaders. 

By attending the WindsorEssex Circle networking event with a couple of my colleagues, we were able to practice our communication skills, enhance our networking capabilities and gain a new perspective of the local business community in Windsor-Essex. We had a mutual understanding, my colleagues and I, however, networking was out of our comfort zone. 

Talking to professionals in a formal matter, we wondered how do we market and leverage ourselves to others with more credibility. We were scared, but we knew we had to try, all because it was for personal gain and development. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a good learning experience and a great challenge we were all willing to do. We know by doing so, we are making ourselves better leaders and expanding our knowledge. Now we are excited to attend the next WindsorEssex Circle networking event and any other events in the future.

How will you break out of your comfort zone? 

Mark Jason Aguilar, Guest Blogger
National Coach for Corporate Relations
AIESEC Windsor

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