Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Celebrating 36 Years Of A Tremendous Journey!


Celebrating 36 years in the IT industry and what a tremendous journey so far!

We need to stop and celebrate the moments by sharing our positive news with each other.  This week marks 36  years since my professional career started right after graduating from the University of Windsor with a Bachelor of Commerce degree!  

Join me in smothering the Internet with positive news, accomplishments and milestones.  Share your celebrations with the world as we enjoy each others’ successes. 

Extremely grateful for everyone along this journey.  Humbled to be called “The Connector” and expert on the subject matter for cybersecurity and entrepreneurship.  The recognition, awards, accolades, podcast appearances, guest presenter, media appearances on so many different platforms to help others enriches me to continue to grow.  I see how important it is for all of us to truly care and help one another.

Thanks To My Beautiful Family

I would like to thank so many terrific people who have supported and helped me along this awesome journey!  Thanks to the lovely Carmela for her love, support and always being here for me.  To Haley & Brandon and Syd & Michael for their love and for keeping things in perspective on what's important along the way.  To my mom, dad, who was so proud of me and miss him dearly, my in-laws, all the extended family and friends for all your love and support, thank you.

Some Highlights And Milestones

Here are some highlights to share with you of a wonderful journey.

My first day was April 25th, 1988 at Computerway, a subsidiary of Epson Canada.  The manager provided a quick overview of the two main computers; the 286 or AT and the 8088 or XT..... and that's how it all started by learning specifications, talking to first-time buyers and answering their questions.  Not many options to choose from except monochrome screens available with green, white and the latest with amber text.

Around 1994 the Internet was starting to catch on and e-mail was being used first internally and then to the world.  The wealth of information on the 'Net was incredible for all of us "early adopters" and it was always interesting to see what most people were looking for.  (Hint: it was non-business related).

Joined CCD for 5 years from 1991 to 1996 as corporate sales.   It was exciting to see a small company grow over the years.   Spent most of the time "pounding the pavement", getting a lot of no's and doors slammed.   The consistency and perseverance paid off in the long run.  Incidentally, in October 2014 we purchased CCD and it sure brought back memories of that period.

Retirement - what was I thinking?

The Retirement - lasted for 6 weeks in early 1996.  For some reason, it felt right at that time for a career change.  I laugh back when I think about this.  It truly was a defining moment to shape my future.  I was so glad when Shawn called asking me to consider joining AlphaKOR.  It was a very easy decision to make since Ali, Mazen and Shawn provide the best service second to none.  I was asked to sell the "sizzle" and they always delivered the "steak".

We were well ahead of the curve in our discussions about websites in 1996 and Y2K in 1997.  Most businesses were not ready for either conversation.  The early website discussion was about having your company domain name and adding an e-mail address under your fax number.  (For the younger readers you can Google "fax machines").

Moving in the fall of 2008 on the eve of very tough economic times was a bit scary.  As most companies scaled back, they leaned heavier on us for support.  Our team more than doubled in the six years while at our Mercer location and we had to take on a second location as we were busting at the seams.

In the Fall of 2014, we challenged ourselves with purchasing our current location at Twin Oaks, buying CCD and undertaking major renovations to fit our needs.  One of my favourite days was June 18, 2015, for our Open House with Mayor Dilkens, Chamber President Matt Marchand and WEtech President Yvonne Pilon who took part in the Opening Ceremonies before we cut the "ribbon" to open our 12 000 sq. ft. two-acre location!

As we have evolved from humble beginnings in a 600 sq. ft. retail space to where we are today, we truly have to thank The AlphaKORians, for all they do.  Your gift of the tree:   "4 Partners planted in the community" is very special as it continues to grow at Dieppe Gardens.  My Partners, Ali, Mazen and Shawn working together, pursuing our dreams and aspirations are the amazing guys behind the scenes.   Thanks, guys for believing in me so I can do what I love best and tell our story!  Thanks to Charlene, Maha and Lori for all your support and for being here for us.

4 Partners Planted In The Community

In 2014, AlphaKOR was named Tech Company of the Year at the WEtech Tech Awards.  We keep growing and keep leading in Technology with Cybersecurity being a hot topic everyone needs to deal with and have a strategic plan in place.  It is exciting every day to be part of an awesome Team and to help so many both for their business and to give back to the community.

And Now We are 5 Partners 

Today we are 5 Partners and recently announced Liqaa as our CEO.  AlphaKOR celebrated 29 years of successful growth earlier this year!

I enjoy every day as the President and love sharing our story.  Connecting with familiar and new like-minded people is rewarding as we learn from each other.  Presenting to audiences virtually or in person are the highlights of this role. 

Supporting Our Community

I truly enjoy being involved in a number of organizations and have found it very enriching. Being part of Build A Dream, St. Clair College, The Giving Eight, University of Windsor, WEST, WEtech, WECYAC, WindsorEssex Chamber to name a few.  Being a mentor is one of my favourite roles working with entrepreneurs pursuing their passion.  

Building our own networking groups, the WindsorEssex Circle with my co-host Joe Di Giorgio which ram from 2009 until 2020.  My current pet project is the networking group called Wednesday Wisdom.  This group began January 2021 as a weekly virtual group and evolved into a monthly in-person group.  Thanks to everyone who shared and helped with the challenges of the "new norm".

Throughout the years with my volunteer hat, I have met so many wonderful and inspiring leaders, entrepreneurs and many caring people.   You have enriched my life, taught me how we can make a difference by caring and giving back.

Humbled & Grateful

It is an honour and humbling when the media and the community recognize our commitment and dedication to service.  It is overwhelming when a news story hits and the media calls to interview you as the expert on the subject matter.

I recall going to CBC studios for a news segment on Security Breaches the day the CRA story hit.  My Dad called me and told me what a great story it was to hear me talk about the issue. I asked if he understood the interview and he replied "No, but boy you and the reporter talked a lot and did a good job".   Thanks, Dad, my first mentor who taught us how to take care of people at our roadside fruit stand.   Who knew my sales career actually started in 1971!

We have been blessed with many accolades and awards.   We always remember where we came from, how we arrived here and everyone who helped along the way, thank you.

Fun Moments

Three of my favourites are Entrepreneur of the Year, Chamber BEA 2012, Tech Mentor of the Year, WEtech 2017 and Mid-Size Company of the Year, Chamber BEA 2014.  By the way, I dedicated the Tech Mentor award to the AlphaKORians' who have inspired me to share their stories and all the great stuff they do.

Volunteering and giving back to the community by sitting on Boards, and being a mentor helping others has been self-rewarding.   Never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

The AlphaKORians' Rock!

Special thanks to the AlphaKORians, our loyal clients, associates, friends and families, for being a part of our success.  I am truly blessed for leading such an awesome team.  The AlphaKORians' do rock and have been here taking care of everything all the time. 

Enjoying every day sharing our story as your President for 29 years and counting.  Cheers to many more!

